  • refugee artisans support initiative  is a programme of raising the artisans.co.ltd that is established to promote the products of the artisans and frming refugees using the principles of fair trade
  • why does this
  • when the wars and disaster happens the refugees free from their countries to settle in un known and families environment and some have no job to support them and families they flee along with in so doing they starve therefore the refugee artisans support initiative was initiated so as to help the artisans and farmers to find an alternative means of livelihood using their skills in this criteria we have found the artisans refugee groups in refugee camps in Uganda, like nakivale, kyangwali and their products are marketed at our center
  • sustainable tourism
  • the crafts work represents the unique cultures of the area and provide the areas the income they require through selling crafts to the tourists who come to the area therefor in this criteria we have founded the muhabura cultural experience and craft centre where the people of kigezi collect their products and are marketed through the center to tourists going for gorilla tracking and the artisans groups includes