
Raising the artisans.co.limited is a social enterprise company that was established in 2019 to empower and promote the products of the mostly marginalized rural producers artisans/handcrafts producers and farmers as a viable means for sustainable livelihood, household poverty reduction and community development following the principles of fair trade in regards to environment health conservation in which the producers live-in

our mission

TO promote the products of the marginalized workers and producers as a means to enhance production that will contribute on household poverty reduction and community development while following the principles of fair trade in regards to environmental conservation in which the workers live in

our vision

create a strategic means of livelihoods, household poverty reduction in following the principles of fair-trade, in regards to environmental conservation the workers live in

our core values

  • Social impact
  • Community empowerment
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Fair trade practices and fair wages
  • Health environment

Our objectives

·       To promote the principles of fair-trade that help the workers reliable their benefits

·       To support the producers and workers through the process of production

·       To find potential markets for the products  of the marginalized producers

·       To enhance marketing using the principles of fair trade so as the improvised producers to

what we do

Raising the artisans.co.limited like any other commercial business entity we conduct services and products promotion or trade but from the beginning of this initiative our approach is based on social economic empowerment and transformation criteria partner with crafts and farmers producers groups in most of the remote areas of the world and thereafter empower them and promote their products to the local and global markets following the principles of fair trade and fair practices so as the producers to raise themselves through their work

our impact

Following our initial training in 2017 with aid to artisans USA and other subsequent trainings, capacity building and social economical enhancements we are driving to social economical focusing on the very poor marginalized livelihoods and some of the impacts are being achieved

producer groups empowerment

The artisans who make our quality and beautiful baskets, mats, huts, the farmers who grow our apple bananas, organic coffee, and artisanal harvested honey have been empowered financially, skills, raw materials etc

In order to reach an extra mile to the lives of the producers we formalized producers groups in mostly the remotest areas of world and have identified the products that are produced by the artisans and farmers which includes organic coffee, organic honey, apple bananas, organic honey, crafts like baskets, mats, huts etc. and these groups are in a range of 15-25 members and for groups and above 30 for cooperatives and associations and of which 70% are women in rural areas and in the informal sector.

Fair trade practices

From the source of our products to the distribution system and to end user or consumers we apply the principles of fair trade or fair practices so as the trade genuinely impacts the locals and the poor producers and fair wages.